Suggestions, Comments, and Complaints

We welcome all comments on the services provided by the practice. If you would like to give feedback to the practice, please complete our Feedback form.

If you have any cause for concern or are unhappy with any aspect of your care, please discuss them with your doctor or the practice manager.

We operate an in house complaints procedure, and documentation regarding this can be obtained from the practice manager.

There is also a suggestion/comments box located by the front reception on the wall which we are happy for you to use.

If the patient does not wish to contact the surgery and go through the in-house complaints procedure they may contact:

NHS England
NHS Commissioning Board
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT

Telephone: 0300 311 2233


Patient advice and liaison services (PALS)

In each trust there is a patient advice and liaison service employed by the trust to resolve problems on the spot, and provide health information to patients, carers and families and highlight any gaps in the service to Trust management.

Patient Advice and Liaison Services (PALS)
MKPCT Trust Headquarters
The Hospital Campus
Standing Way
Milton Keynes

Telephone: 01908 243 633

Healthcare watchdog

You can also contact the healthcare watchdog at the address below:

The Healthcare Commission
Finsbury Tower
103-105 Bunhill Row

Telephone: 020 7448 9200