- Aimed at veterans and those still serving.
- A safe place to find out about and connect with local support services.
- Meet face to face with local service providers.
- Refreshments, free parking.
- A chance to connect with the wider MK Armed Forces community.
- Come to the main entrance and ring the buzzer.
- If you’d like to attend but face challenges in doing so or would like a ‘buddy’ to support you, click on the link: forms.office.com – MK Armed Forces Walk-In sessions
Seeking help can feel hard and overwhelming, especially the first time you reach out. Some ex-forces don’t know what help is out there, how to ask for it and might need support connecting with it.
Whether you served many years ago and feel your challenges are not related to your service, or you have just left and are not sure how to engage with civilian services, the Walk-In can help.
Address: Blue Light Hub, West Ashland Fire Station, 3 Thornbury, Milton Keynes, MK6 4BB
If you:
- Would like to attend, but want more information
- Are a support service and want to find out how to be involved
Please visit forms.office.com – MK Armed Forces Walk-In sessions or email armedforcescovenant@milton-keynes.gov.uk .